GRC - Governance Risk & Controls- Case Study
Case Study: Risk Management Framework, Governance & Controls Remediation
Background A large asset management firm required a comprehensive overhaul of their risk management and governance framework. Key areas of focus included:
Enhancing risk adequacy and quantification for the Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP).
Embedding Recovery Planning and ICAAP into the overall risk management and governance framework.
Developing robust governance protocols, including risk indicator monitoring, reporting, and governance policies to ensure the firm is well-equipped to handle emerging stress situations.
Reviewed the Risk and Control Self-Assessment (RCSA) and Risk Management Framework (RMF) to identify material risks.
Organized risk champion workshops to aid in the determination of material risk assessment.
Deployed industry-standard models to quantify credit, market, and operational risk for the firm such as the Loss Distribution Approach (LDA) and Merton's model for credit risk).
Authored market-leading ICAAP, Recovery Planning, ILAAP and Orderly Wind-down Plan Documents
Reviewed the adequacy of risk appetite and tolerance levels for material risks through back-testing (where relevant).
Designed and calibrated a recovery indicator framework to ensure the firm invokes recovery plan escalation protocols well before reaching regulatory minima.
Enabled the firm to enhance its RMF with adequate risk appetite and tolerance levels for material risks.
Determined the firm’s liquidity risk appetite.
Embedded the recovery indicator framework into day-to-day governance and RMF with robust reporting controls.
Aided in determining early warning indicators to ensure the firm remains well-capitalized during stress scenarios.
Enabled the firm to successfully undergo the Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (SREP).